Working Life

Jobs, Skills, Processes

woman working in mill



Research pages


woman working in mill

Iinterviews and transcripts from the archive

A Diverse Workforce


man working in mill


Local Area Studies and Map

Extracurricular & Recreation

UNSPUN, a multi-media visual collage inspired by the heritage of Bradford's textile industry was presented by 509 Arts at Salts Mill as part of Saltaire Inspired, a festival held over the Bank Holiday weekend. Made with The Colour Foundry it used archive photos and film projected onto fabrics, a musical soundtrack with spoken word recordings, found audio and was accompanied by live musicians to create a rich and immerisive experience. Photos by Tim Smith.

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Oral History Exercise






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Media Wall







Rights and Wrongs

Discrimination, Health & Safety





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Ghost Mansions Case Studies






more info

Changing Ways

Decline Of The Mills




@hannahlambtextileartist is collaborating with weaver @_.hannah_robson on our Lost Mills project.
UNSPUN, a multi-media visual collage inspired by the heritage of Bradford's textile industry was presented by 509 Arts at Salts Mill as part of Saltaire Inspired, a festival held over the Bank Holiday weekend. Made with The Colour Foundry it used archive photos and film projected onto fabrics, a musical soundtrack with spoken word recordings, found audio and was accompanied by live musicians to create a rich and immerisive experience. Photos by Tim Smith.
Mill scene 1959
man working in mill

About Lost Mills & Ghost Mansions

Explore the fascinating story of Lost Mills Ghost Mansions, a project that uncovers the hidden tales of Bradford’s textile past. Discover how this once vibrant industry has dwindled from over 350 working mills to less than 20. Many of these iconic buildings have vanished or been repurposed, some tragically lost to fires. Join us as we delve into the rich history of Bradford through words, pictures, audio, and video. Don’t miss out on this captivating journey. Read More

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