East & West


A Hard Dayโ€™s Night was all we could talk about. Iโ€™d seen the film three times and knew the words to every song.

Walking by the lake one sunny afternoon, I caught sight of something in theย shrubbery. I moved closer. It was a red bicycle, rusty, battered basket, aย big bone shaker bicycle which appeared to be abandoned. I left it there ofย course, it wasnโ€™t mine. That night I could think of nothing else; the Beatles,ย music, boys and their silly ways were history. The red bicycle filled my mind.ย I told two friends, boys, plus my older brother and the following day led themย to my find; it really must be homeless. Weโ€™d leave it one more day and thenย decide what to do.


Relief, it was still there. The boys wanted to take charge, but it was myย discovery. With a struggle we pulled the bicycle out from the bushes, it wasย quite heavy and very different to the one Iโ€™d left behind in some place calledย storage. My father was in the army and we had recently moved to Kladow inย Berlin. I hadnโ€™t wanted to leave my school, my friends and my lovely midnightย blue bicycle, but once we arrived and I discovered that I could see theย lake from my bedroom window, could see the pine and cherry trees aroundย the apartment and the wonder I felt when told that the border between Eastย and West Berlin was just up the road, it quickly became a place of excitementย and mystery. The boys got their way. They had the first rides, but the bicycleย was rather rickety and the all fell off it. I remember laughing because theyย were just boys.

When it was my turn, I was cautious. I couldnโ€™t reach the seat soย scootered it until I was on the flat alongside the lake, the Havel. Then cyclingย was easy and quite soon I was close to the dividing barbed wire fence, theย closest Iโ€™d ever been. I knew I shouldnโ€™t go closer, but I did. I could vaguelyย hear my brother and the boys shouting my name, but carried on stopping onlyย at the fence.


I saw him immediately. He was on the other side, only a few yards awayย from me, sitting on the grass with a cigarette in his mouth and a rifle in hisย hand. I froze and looked right at him. He put the rifle down, took the cigaretteย out of his mouth, stood up and shouted something and waved. I thought theyย were baddies over there, but he was smiling, he looked nice. I waved backย and he winked at me. I turned the bicycle around and pushed it towards theย running boys. As I walked away, I could hear him singing, โ€˜Itโ€™s been ‘Aย Hard Dayโ€™s Nightโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€™







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March 14, 2014