Bartered Bikes

Bartered BikesThe only time I have successfully bargained for anything it was bikes!  I went to buy bikes for 2 little girls – aged 4 and 6 – in a foreign city and parked in the multi-storey car park nearest the bike shop.


In the shop the kids chose their bikes and the salesman offered to throw in pumps and bells. The price seemed reasonable so I agreed.
He looked a little disappointed that it was over so quickly – it was a quiet day. Then I asked him to put the bikes on one side while I’d go and fetch the car.  As we started to walk out he tapped his calculator and rattled out a discounted ‘Tuesday’ price. “Fine” said I, “and I do want to buy the bikes, but I still need to fetch my car to put them in”.


At the corner he caught up with us and grabbed my arm – another 6% off the price and that was his final offer!  The children started to wail – convinced by then that we were running away. “Look” I said “I do really want to buy the bikes, but I can’t get them home unless I fetch my car first”.
He followed us to the pay booth, and by then he was practically giving them away (or so he said). When we drove around the corner he was sitting outside and as we loaded the bikes into the boot of the car he told me with a wink that I bargained as well as his mother.







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January 23, 2014