Madness in McDonald’s

1280px-Concurrentei_Mc_Donalds_Burger_King_Subway_FEBoMy friend Clare and I were on our way home after cycling to Rome (as you do!).

We stopped off in Amsterdam and were sitting in the top floor of the McDonald’s restaurant there. We noticed prior to this that all bikes, even the most dilapidated seemed to have secure U bolt type locks. Clare just had a twisted wire lock. We had secured our bikes to a lamppost and were enjoying our meal when I nudged Clare and said ‘hey, someone’s stealing your bike’. She leapt up and charged down three flights of stairs, burgers and coffees of other guests went flying… confront the big bad bike thief. Armed with bolt cutters and absolutely in the act it then evolved into a somewhat Monty Pythonesque type scenario: Clare ‘you’re stealing my bike’, thief ‘oh no I’m not’! Anyway after a few choice words he scarpered but we were too unsettled to leave our trusty steeds unattended a moment longer and they made it home to England with us in one piece!







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March 7, 2014